About Us
SnapVal Portfolio is a joint venture of Global DMS and Bien-Aime International (BAI) to provide on-demand access to bulk Automated Valuation Models (AVMs) for investors and real estate professionals. SnapVal Portfolio provides a self-serve portal that provides immediate processing of uploaded spreadsheets containing residential properties.
Our completely automated service supports high volumes of properties and delivers results within hours. SnapVal Portfolio leverages multiple AVMs from Collateral Analytics and CoreLogic to ensure the highest possible match and append results. SnapVal’s cascading AVM approach results in a hit rate exceeding 95% of the properties submitted.
SnapVal Portfolio’s self-serve portal offers easy ordering, indefinite report storage and discount pricing that appeals to investors, brokers, and lenders who want the competitive advantage that results from being the first to have accurate information.
NOTE: For clients requiring single property evaluations, please visit our AVM store at SnapVal.com.
For your convenience SnapVal Portfolio accepts all majors credit cards and accommodates the billing preferences requested by approved business entities.